L:a Bruket
L:a Bruket Ilmkerti áfylling · Tabac
L:a Bruket Ilmkerti áfylling · Tabac
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5.490 kr.
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5.490 kr.
On a base of masculine vibrations in tobacco, cedarwood and earthy dry notes the sweet enticement of musk, lemon and jasmin creates a golden aura of mindfulness and anticipation to give life and focus to your mind. Burns +45 hour. Our refills for the scented candles are available in all scents and designed to be gently melted in a microwave oven or water bath and poured into their containers by hand. The refill contains our high quality scented soy wax, cotton wick, wick anchor and a wooden wick holder.
Made of wax from organic soy, hand poured into mouth blown glasses by skilled craftsmen. The rich scent and glass design brings a wonderful ambience to any room.
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