Cappelen Dimyr
Cappelen Dimyr motta · Colonnade no.01 · 100x240 cm SÉRPÖNTUN
Cappelen Dimyr motta · Colonnade no.01 · 100x240 cm SÉRPÖNTUN
Einstök handgerð ullarmotta frá Skandinavíska hönnunarhúsinu Cappelen Dimyr.
Motturnar eru handgerðar af fagmönnum í Indlandi úr hágæða nýsjálenskri ull. Hver motta er algjörlega einstök þar sem ullin er 100% náttúruleg og ólituð sem skapar fallegt og áhugaverð mynstur í mjúkum ljósum tónum. Langt kögrið á endunum bætir við hlýleika og bóhemískan blæ. Hæð á flosi er um það bil 4-5 cm
Ullarmottur sem bæta hlýleika og einstökum stíl á heimilið.
Efni: Ull og bómull
Stærð: 100x240 cm.
Framleiðsluland: Indland
Colonnade no.01 has a soft irregular pattern that creates a vivid and intriguing feel. The rug is crafted in natural and unbleached wool in a soft shell-white high pile and sandy colored backing. Its long fringe-edge elevates the look and adds and artistic detail.
Any variation in colour or detailing is a result of the handcrafted nature of this item and makes each piece unique. Please also note this is a partly long pile and shaggy rug which usually have a tendency to shed more than low pile rugs. Make sure to vacuum often to reduce this.
Care for your Cappelen Dimyr:
You can trust your Cappelen Dimyr is produced by hand, in the finest available wool with long and strong fibres. However, all long pile rugs tend to shed initially and we therefor recommend you to vacuum your rug daily for an initial period. It is normal for the rug to lose individual fibres, and the excess fibres does not affect the quality of the rug. We recommend to vacuum without a rotary brush spout on our long pile rugs, since there is a risk of damaging the yarn. Also make sure not to use a heavy beater bar or have the vacuum on the setting closest to the ground. Shedding tends to decrease within a couple of months.
Remove stains by carefully use only warm water or for more heavy marks add a tiny bit of normal soap. The wool contains natural fat which helps keeping stains from penetrating the fibres, and is therefore important to sustain. For excess liquid gently dab with a microfiber cloth. For more thorough cleaning, dry cleaning is recommended.
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