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Eden Outcast

Eden Outcast Ripple spegill · clear

Eden Outcast Ripple spegill · clear

Verð áður 34.995 kr.
Verð áður 69.990 kr. Verð með afslætti 34.995 kr.
-50% Uppselt

Like rings in the water, the 3 layers of mirror glass spread out in this artistic design mirror.
Ripple Mirror is inspired by the effect that occurs when a stone is thrown into the water. To imagine the neat rings that meander away, meet something in the water and find a new direction has formed the basis of the design.
The organic shapes make the Ripple mirror both suitable for hanging alone or part of a larger whole.
On all 3 layers, beautiful facets are seen that refract the light and lead the mind to stagnant water that glistens easily in the sun.


Height: 66 cm. 

Width: 43 cm.


Fáðu sent með Dropp eða Póstinum. Frí heimsending ef pantað er fyrir 15.000 kr eða meira!


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