Frederik Bagger
Frederik Bagger Crispy Celebration kampavínsglös · 2stk · glær
Frederik Bagger Crispy Celebration kampavínsglös · 2stk · glær
The perfect Champagne glass for all kinds of celebrations! The Crispy Celebration crystal glasses will make any event and speech more special.
The Crispy glasses from Frederik Bagger are diamond-cut. The sustainable glass mass contributes to a unique clarity and quality.
The glasses are dishwasher safe and withstand temperatures ranging from -25°C to 180°C.
Durable and lead-free crystal glass
Withstands temperatures from -25°C to 180°C.
10-year replacement warranty for discolored or clouded crystal glass
FDA approved
Diameter: 11 cm / Height: 18 cm (220 ml)
Stærð 23 cl.
Fáðu sent með Dropp eða Póstinum. Frí heimsending ef pantað er fyrir 15.000 kr eða meira!
Skilafrestur er 14 dagar. Vörunni fæst einungis skilað gegn framvísun kvittunar eða pöntunarnúmers.
Nánari upplýsingar um vöruskil má finna í skilmálum.