Liewood Gro ungbarnahreiður / babylift · Classic dot · creme de la creme
Liewood Gro ungbarnahreiður / babylift · Classic dot · creme de la creme
The LIEWOOD babylift/babynest is the perfect combination of a baby lift and nest, it has long straps so you can move your sleeping angel without him/her noticing. The nest/lift fits in beds, on the couch and in some prams.
The filling, mattress, and wooden board is removable making the cover washable.
Tested according to international testing standard EN1466:2014/AC:2015, fulfilling the European safety standards for babylift.
Please remove mattress and board at bottom and filling at sides of the product before washing and wash cover only. Do not wash mattress and board.
WARNING: Do not leave the baby without supervision
Stærð: 76cm x 32cm
Hægt er að stækka og minnka hreiðrið eftir því sem barnið stækkar.
Fáðu sent með Dropp eða Póstinum. Frí heimsending ef pantað er fyrir 15.000 kr eða meira!
Skilafrestur er 14 dagar. Vörunni fæst einungis skilað gegn framvísun kvittunar eða pöntunarnúmers.
Nánari upplýsingar um vöruskil má finna í skilmálum.