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Liewood Shirley handakútar · Flora / Sandy

Liewood Shirley handakútar · Flora / Sandy

Verð áður 2.495 kr.
Verð áður 4.990 kr. Verð með afslætti 2.495 kr.
-50% Uppselt
Make your child feel safe and confident in the water with the Shirley swim rings. The arm floats made from soft PVC and with two air chambers makes it easier for beginner swimmers to enjoy an increased range of movement in the water.
  • Inflatable swim wings for children
  • 2 air chambers
  • Made from durable PVC
  • Scratch-free and comfortable to wear
  • Easy on and off use
  • 0-15 kg or 15-30 kg


Fáðu sent með Dropp eða Póstinum. Frí heimsending ef pantað er fyrir 15.000 kr eða meira!


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