Poster and Frame veggspjald · By Taban x Squarepaint · Painted 03
Poster and Frame veggspjald · By Taban x Squarepaint · Painted 03
Squarepaint is a London-based online store offering a unique selection of high quality posters and art prints as well as original pieces from both upcoming and established artists. Our inspiration comes from the things around us. The tangible, yet invisible. The invisible and yet tangible. We are inspired by nature, by people and traditions, by memories and places. We fuse Nordic trends, fashion and interior design with new and innovative technology in the creative industry.
Veggspjöldin afhendast í pappahólkum og koma án ramma.
Stærð: 40x40cm
Fáðu sent með Dropp eða Póstinum. Frí heimsending ef pantað er fyrir 15.000 kr eða meira!
Skilafrestur er 14 dagar. Vörunni fæst einungis skilað gegn framvísun kvittunar eða pöntunarnúmers.
Nánari upplýsingar um vöruskil má finna í skilmálum.