Simple Goods
Simple Goods hand- og líkams skrúbbur · Citrus Bergamia · 300 ml
Simple Goods hand- og líkams skrúbbur · Citrus Bergamia · 300 ml
Get a real spa experience at home. Our body scrub is enriched with fine salt and olive seeds which give your skin a gentle exfoliation to effectively remove dead skin cells and increase blood circulation in the skin, which makes your skin baby soft and makes it look more healthy and alive.
• Energizing scent of Citrus Bergamia
• Contains natural essential oils
• Gently exfoliating
• Increases blood circulation
• Moisturizing
• Makes the skin silky smooth
• For all skintypes
Fáðu sent með Dropp eða Póstinum. Frí heimsending ef pantað er fyrir 15.000 kr eða meira!
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